Monthly Archives: October 2010

Wallpapering your floor?


Came across this blog while doing a search for something and look what I found! Wallpapering Your Floor? The next big thing? Maybe they were on to something in 1948?


It finally feels like fall! My friend Meredith and I decided last weekend to hit up some of the seasons last yard sales.  Fortunately a bunch of families in Prospect Park South decided to throw a huge one and we headed over to check out the goods. I ended up scoring Bricks and Brownstones by Paul Goldberg a book that I have been wanting for quite some time! Early birthday present to myself?


Speaking of birthdays mine is not far away, next Monday to be exact!  I’ve had my eye on this purse from OpelleCreative on etsy and I think that I am going to get it for myself

Does anyone know of any good flea markets to check out around  or above Westchester, NY before it gets too cold?


If you happen to pick up the latest issue of Surface magazine I am drooling over the Matt and Nat bag on page 35, but for some reason it is nowhere to be found on their website. 😦 I love the above one also but the handles are much too short and I am on of those people who need a sturdy over the shoulder bag.


In 1977, Charles and Ray Eames made a nine-minute film called Powers of Ten.  A very relevant video for today in celebration of 10/10/10! Click here to watch it!

Building a Design Business in the Modern Lanscape

I am crossing my fingers that my work schedule allows to attend this talk.  So many amazing things going on in the city but time can be so crunched! I’ve been learning this the hard way with working a fulltime day job and coming home to work on my own business. Where does the time go? In other news I received my Certificate of Authority for my business today. I am legally a registered sales tax vendor! Wahoo! Next step is a bank account.


I am very excited to be posting a sneak peek of my wallpaper collection that I will be debuting next Spring during NY Design Week. At the moment I am working on finalizing what patterns I will be producing and working on colorways. I would love any and all feedback from this little taste of what is to come.  To view please go to my website at